Our sustainability practices meet the highest requirements and standards, helping us to create long-term value and guaranteeing the company's competitiveness and relevance over time. We seek to strengthen our business model by making it sustainable, while identifying and addressing our environmental, social and governance impacts.
Enfoque de Sustentabilidad
Se basa en la identificación de riesgos y oportunidades para generar valor al negocio, al considerar factores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ASG) que pueden afectarse por nuestras acciones, así como para mitigar los riesgos de que la ocurrencia de un evento o condición de ASG pueda traducirse en impacto negativo material real o potencial.
ESENTIA Energy Systems has made progress and achieved significant results in terms of sustainability. The basis we start from includes the following elements:
- Evaluaciones de Impacto Social (EVIS)
- Sustainability Policy
- Annual Sustainability Reports
- Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS)
- ESG initiatives at ESENTIA Energy Systems
- Social Investment
Annual Reports
Sustainability Report 2022
Social Responsability Report 2020
Social Responsability Report 2019
Sustentability report 2022
Informe anual de responsabilidad social – 2021
Informe anual de responsabilidad social – 2020